Public Records Request

Public records requests can be made by email, phone, fax, or USPS mail.


Phone: 360-407-8768 Cell: 360-480-8425

Fax: 360-407-9176

Mail: Public Records Officer
Department of Enterprise Services
1500 Jefferson Street SE
PO Box 41466
Olympia, WA 98504-2445

A form is not required to submit a public records request, but is available if you want to use it: public records request form.

What to include

Include the following so that we can respond or contact you to ask for clarification if necessary:

  • Your name, address, and telephone number or email address.
  • A description of the record(s) requested.

How long will it take?

Within five business days of receiving the request, the department will respond and either:

  • Make the requested record(s) available;
  • Make a portion of the records available in installments as they are assembled;
  • Deny the request; or
  • Acknowledge the request and provide a reasonable estimate of time needed to respond.
  • Public Records Copying Charges: Summary of DES charges. (The full statutory fee schedule is available at: RCW 42.56.120 Charges for Copying.)

Other links

Commonly Requested Records

Some commonly requested public records are available online: