

Prevent and Overcome Burnout for Supervisors and Managers

Course Code: 2396

Mastering burnout prevention and reversal is crucial for managers. This course provides you with the skills and techniques to identify, prevent, and reverse burnout in your teams. It covers the root causes of burnout, how to recognize its signs, and the steps to take for prevention. You will also gain valuable insights from the latest research on burnout, including 15 proven burnout-mitigating behaviors. The course enhances your understanding of burnout's impact on individuals, teams, and organization, providing you with a personalized toolkit to effectively prevent and overcome burnout.

According to a Gallup study, 76% of the workforce experiences burnout at some point. By understanding the causes of burnout and implementing strategies to mitigate them, you can help your team members thrive and boost team productivity, morale, and performance. As a result, absences, turnover rates, and stress levels are reduced.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Define burnout and identify the different factors that contribute to it.
  • Describe the three dimensions of burnout.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of burnout in yourself and in your team.
  • Evaluate your own burnout level and help your team do the same.
  • Identify the top five root causes of burnout and apply relevant techniques to address each cause.
  • Develop effective strategies to prevent burnout in your workplace.
  • Explain the significance of managing workplace stress to prevent employee burnout.
  • Establish personal and organizational resilience by creating a tailored plan to decrease and overcome burnout.

Intended Audience: Leaders, managers, and supervisors. Human resources (HR) professionals may earn five continuing education units (CEUs) for Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Certification.