

Access for All: Written Information and Info Technology

Course Code: 01-03-EW68

This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to create and test accessible text and visuals in common formats. It offers practical instruction for making sure that your content is as accessible as possible.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Create written communication that complies with 508 Standards and Washington State OCIO Policy 188.
  • Apply principles of universal design to create accessible content for all users.
  • Convey information in ways that consider and include neurodiversity.
  • Select and use platforms and software that increase and assure accessibility.
  • Test text, visuals, layout, and information design to ensure usability and accessibility.
  • Convey information in accessible documents, web content, and presentations.

Intended Audience: Public sector employees.