
Personal & Professional Development

StrengthsFinder Introduction: Identify Your Strengths to Meet Your Goals (8 Hours)

Course Code: 01-03-EC43
StrengthsFinder: How to Identify your Strengths and Meet Your Goals will help you identify your top strengths and develop strategies for meeting your goals using those strengths.  As part of the course, you will take the CliftonStrengths Assessment (formally known as StrengthsFinder), which has been used by over 17 million individuals around the world as a resource to help meet goals and increase effectiveness.  You will leave the course with a personalized action plan to help you apply your strengths at work and beyond.

Performance Objectives:  Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Increase self-awareness and gain a better understanding of yourself.
  • Identify your top five strengths and how to apply those at work and beyond
  • Understand how to maximize strengths in all areas of life.

Intended Audience:  Whether you’re an individual seeking professional development, or a leader seeking to empower your team, this course will provide the tools and resources needed to use your strengths to meet your goals.